The STL Vacancy Collaborative (VC) is a coalition of partners committed to the reduction of vacant property as a top priority in St. Louis. Reducing the negative impact of vacancy is a complex puzzle that requires coordination to achieve a shared vision. The VC is not a stand-alone entity, but a coalition of community representatives, private and non-profit stakeholders, and City agencies. The VC helps to coordinate existing vacancy efforts under one umbrella and encourages the public and private sectors to work together toward solutions in a comprehensive and coordinated way.
That includes you! By taking the pledge you’re joining the diverse community that is working to address vacancy, improve our communities, and build a shared vision for the future.
St. Louis Vacancy Collaborative guiding principles:
That includes you! By taking the pledge you’re joining the diverse community that is working to address vacancy, improve our communities, and build a shared vision for the future.
St. Louis Vacancy Collaborative guiding principles:
- Collaborative - Advocate for alignment and a shared vision whenever possible. Recognize that close coordination across communities, the public, and private sectors are essential.
- Transparent - Communicate efforts and provide information in accessible ways. Evaluate whether new policies and programs might have unintended consequences.
- Data-Driven - Use verifiable data and community stories to inform and evaluate responses to vacancy.
- Community Informed - Support community engagement and community centered solutions. Empower community residents to take action.
- Policy and Systems Oriented - Work for policy and systems level change in addition to individual building and lot interventions.
- Racial Equity Framework - Apply a racial equity lens to the work, recognizing that the disproportionate impacts of vacancy fall on communities of color in St. Louis.